Mindset 1.0 was designed as the first step on the journey for an organisation towards achieving meaningful Cyber Culture Change. Cybercy stands out from conventional Cyber Security education by concentrating on the personal dimension, nurturing individual behaviors and fortifying them with the essential skills to not just cope, but flourish in the digital realm.

Workshop 1: Survive

The workshop guides you in developing digital awareness. It embarks you on an exploration of your daily digital Use and their far-reaching implications. Without the cues we get from physical senses, navigating the online space can be challenging. Cybercy equips you with essential tools for this journey.

Recognizing your extensive digital footprint leads to valuing your virtual Identity. Just as our real-life uniqueness is precious, so is our digital persona.

Understanding your online presence also reveals how the personal details you share could expose you to risks. This awareness is the essence of online Safety.

Unsafe digital practices not only jeopardize your Security but also pose risks to others. Cybercy's goal is to enhance your understanding of these hazards, enabling you to regain control and safely engage with the digital world.

Workshop 2: Thrive

The workshop is dedicated to thriving online - maximizing your digital presence to enrich your life.

Communication is inherent to our online actions, whether interacting with others or sharing our viewpoints. In the online world there is a need to develop new skills to gauge the effects of our communications on recipients.

By refining our online Emotional Intelligence, we're better equipped to navigate the complex web of digital interactions and their emotional impacts. If we allow technology to manipulate our emotions to keep us engaged, then we relinquish control.

Cybercy emphasizes the importance of digital Literacy: critically analyzing online information and distinguishing between authenticity and falsehood. Now, more than ever, it's crucial to discern right from wrong, reality from deception.

In the physical world, we have an innate sense of appropriate conduct, expectations, and responsibilities towards others. A similar understanding of our digital Rights is essential to complete our transformation into fully sovereign digital citizens.